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  HOME > Market Linkages > Non-Quantifiable Outcomes  
Elements for Successful Business
Why Buyer-Seller Linkages are Needed
Identifying Market Opportunities
Selecting Suitable Enterprises
Selecting Suitable Locations
Selecting Linkage Partners
Specifying the Partners' Roles
Forming and Managing Producer Groups
Designing Buyer-Seller Contracts
Designing Product Pricing Systems
Performance Monitoring and Recording
Non-Quantifiable Outcomes
Alternative Linkage Models
Providing Services to Smallholders
Agricultural and Environmental Practices
Quality Assurance & Human Health and Safety

Current and Future Trends



Certain outcomes of buyer/seller linkages are intangible and difficult to measure or predict, but they can destroy a market linkage if not recognized and addressed. They can have great influence, either positive or negative, on the trust which should underlie the partnership. For example:

  • Smallholders may be tempted to 'side sell' part of their crop to avoid loan repayments, especially if they are unsure of, or do not value highly, the future services that they may receive from the company
  • Calculation of prices and payments, timeliness of service provision, expectations of smallholders by company or of company by smallholders may not be transparent or satisfactory, leading to disappointments and misunderstandings on either side
  • Inputs of labour and distribution of income may be unfairly allocated within the farm family, adversely affecting women and children or undermining other essential activities such as food production

The possibility of such outcomes should be incorporated in the monitoring and evaluation system described above, and steps should be taken to reduce their negative impact through consultative and participatory methods.


Case Studies
Sample Documents
Natural Resources Institute
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Natural Resources Institute 2003