Diatomaceous Earths

Output 5: Dissemination of new knowledge generated about DEs

Progress report:

The project team is keen to ensure that the knowledge generated is widely communicated and made available to intermediate and end-users in forms they can utilise and adapt. This is being achieved through the on-going development and implementation of the project communication strategy, which will provide the dynamic for the realisation over time of the project's purpose, to better enable poor people to improve their food security. The strategy involves consolidation of a range of different communication activities and materials, both between partners and with collaborating and potential stakeholders. With respect to the latter groups, articles have been written in PhAction and Ukulima wa Kisasa newsletters, reports on the Zimbabwean DE field trials were published in the journal Crop Protection (Vol 21), information on diatomaceous earths has been included in post-harvest training courses run by the Tanzanian Ministry of Agriculture and University of Zimbabwe. A project newsletter has been developed. If you would like to be included in the emailing list please contact us. If you know of other information users who might be interested in the project or you would like to receive further information please contact us.

An overview of the project's dissemination materials and their relevance to different stakeholders is being prepared with the aim of identifying information gaps, improving targeting and optimising communications with all project stakeholders.

<< Output 4

Updated: 21/3/03