Diatomaceous Earths


The small-scale farmer utilisation of diatomaceous earths (DE) during storage project aims to deliver six main outputs during the timeframe of the project. These include commitments to communicating new knowledge to intermediate (e.g. service providers, policy actors, private sector suppliers) and end-users (e.g. diverse individuals and households) in forms they can utilise and adapt. This will in turn lead to the realisation of the project purpose, which is to enable poorer people to improve their food security. The six outputs are:

Output 1 Field trials in three agro-ecological zones in Tanzania to test DEs against LGB Progress
Output 2 Evaluation of local African deposits of DEs against storage insect pests Progress
Output 3 Study of the user acceptability of DEs and the registration of DEs for use as grain protectants in both Zimbabwe and Tanzania Progress
Output 4 Development and dissemination of extension materials describing DEs for use as grain protectants Progress
Output 5 Promotion of the new knowledge generated about DEs Progress
Output 6 Evaluation of the project procedures Progress